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Social Explorer Case Study: Ypsilanti District Library

Problem: The Ypsilanti District Library wanted to examine usage patterns, age, sex and other demographics of the library for planning and development. The library soug...

Social Explorer Case Study: Young Adults, Then and Now

Problem: Until 2005, Census data was largely limited to releases every 10 years. There was a short form that all U.S. households were required to complete, with about ...

THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2022
Social Explorer Case Study: Segregation in Your Community

Problem: The Anti-Discrimination Center is a New York-based nonprofit that works to prevent and remedy all forms of housing, employment, education, and public accommod...

MONDAY, MAY 16, 2022
Social Explorer Case Study: Early Voting Locations in Georgia Special Senate Election

Problem: Cobb County, Ga., elections officials sought to reduce the number of early voting locations for a Jan. 5, 2021, special election for the state’s two U.S...

THURSDAY, MAY 05, 2022
Social Explorer Case Study: Evenwel v. Abbott

Problem: A group of Advocacy Groups, Media and Lawyers interested in effects of Evenwel v. Abbott (A Case Before the Supreme Court in 2015) approached Social Explorer ...

TUESDAY, MAR 15, 2022
Social Explorer Supports Voting Rights in Georgia’s 2020 Special Senatorial Election

The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. and other organizations were very concerned about Cobb County, Georgia, eliminating advance voting sites for the 202...

TUESDAY, NOV 05, 2019
Case Study: Teaching with Prison Data in the Social Sciences

“When you’re teaching courses in the social sciences, students often think, especially in Sociology, that everything is based on your opinion. I use Social...

THURSDAY, OCT 17, 2019
Analyzing Urban Walkability with Social Explorer

“I use Social Explorer basically everyday for all sorts of things. From looking up facts, downloading data, and visualizing key data points to thinking about wha...

Case Study: Teaching Sociology with Social Explorer

“Place is such a powerful, significant symbol and it spans across disciplines. My argument is that with Social Explorer, I can see a tie-in with place-based data...

MONDAY, SEP 23, 2019
Case Study: Historical Research with Social Explorer

“Social Explorer has been incredibly helpful for me. It makes census data a lot easier and it's all in one place. I started using Social Explorer as an under...

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